Carly & Chris’ engagement session was at Theler Wetlands in Belfair, Wa. When I arrived to the session location and saw how jaw dropping and knew it was perfect for their rustic wedding. These two are actually already married! So it’s not an actual engagement session. But this is a perfect example of why engagement session are so important!
Carly & Chris inquired with me in the beginning of May (of this year!) and they’re getting married in June (Of this year!!!) so when we got on the phone for our consultation, we just clicked. It was an automatic connection. All the worries that Carly and Chris had just melted away. When it came down to business, we knew we had to work fast as we were less than a month away from wedding day.
And when I say, Carly is organized, I mean ORGANIZED. I don’t know how many times I told her she was organized, but this girl is ORGANIZED. Her planner is also beautifully color and sticker coordinated, I wish I could be that way lol Carly and Chris first opted out for their engagement session, but when I explained it was basically practicing for the big day, they were all over it. And I’m so glad they agreed!
Their engagement session called for clouds, and we prayed for no rain. Since Chris is in the military, free days are so easy to come by. During the middle of the session the sun decided to peek its little self out, AND WE GOT GLOW!!! So we stayed in the glow for what seemed like forever, because glow=HAPPY ASHLEY! And during this glow, we did some twirling, and if you’ve ever had a session or wedding with me, you know when I start freaking out, its going soooo good. Carly lifted that beautiful flowy dress, gave me a beautiful twirl… and I squealed. yep, actually squealed. GLOW+PERFECT TWIRL=ASHLEY SQUEAL.
I’m so beyond excited for Carly and Chris’ Mountain View Manor Wedding in June! One of my dream venues!!!